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“Shiyi yu renge: Qianlun Shishuo xinyu zhi shifu yingyong yu renwu suzao” 詩意與人格:淺論《世說新語》之詩賦應用與人物塑造的關係 (Poetics and personalities: Use of poetry in characterization in the Shishuo xinyu). In Zhongu wenxue zhong de shi yu shi 中古文學中的詩與史 (Poetry and history in medieval Chinese literature). Ed. Zhang Yue 張月. Shanghai: Fudan University Press, 2020. 85-106.
“Shiyi yu renge: Qianlun Shishuo xinyu zhi shifu yingyong yu renwu suzao” 詩意與人格:淺論《世說新語》之詩賦應用與人物塑造的關係 (Poetics and personalities: Use of poetry in characterization in the Shishuo xinyu)


“Shiyi yu renge: Qianlun Shishuo xinyu zhi shifu yingyong yu renwu suzao” 詩意與人格:淺論《世說新語》之詩賦應用與人物塑造的關係 (Poetics and personalities: Use of poetry in characterization in the Shishuo xinyu)


author: Qian, Nanxiu; editor: Zhang, Yue




Journal Article


Journal Articles, Book Chapters, and Review Essays

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